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I’ve created this new page which I’m calling 2 by 2s.

2 by 2s is in reference to the size of the wood I use in creating these wee carvings;

2” by 2” with varying heights to 6".

It’s economical to use same size wood and they are fairly easy and quick to complete. On the bandsaw, I basically cut out the same pattern with a couple of changes depending on the finished article. The more I do, the easier it gets.

I use basswood , acrylic paint and beeswax to seal.

The best part of it all is dreaming up the various characters I’d like to do. Some are inspired by things seen on the internet, some are variations of existing carvings while others are my ‘originals’. 

Hope they nput a smile on you face.

Le Grand Artiste


My lifesaver



Cobourg's year to play host


Right out the wood fired oven

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